
Storage of Rice Bran Oil

 Rice bran oils should be tightly capped and kept in a cool dark place like a pantry. Dark colored bottles can protect oils from the sun.

If you do refrigerate your Rice bran oil and it may become semi-solid in the cold. Just let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes at room temperature and it will return to liquid form.

If stored correctly, Rice bran oil should last about 1 to 2 years from the date it was bottled. The “Best by Date” generally reflects this time frame.

Some facts about Rice bran oil:

1. Rice bran oil good because it has a balanced amount of monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated fats. It is considered heart-friendly oil that can help improve your cholesterol. Rice bran helps lower cholesterol because it contains the right amount of oryzanol which is an antioxidant.

2. It is possibly safe for most people when added to baths, but it can cause itching and skin redness.

3. Generally, Rice bran oil contains a higher percentage of vitamin E than olive oil.

4. Rice bran oil is popular as one of the healthiest cooking oils because it has the most balanced amount of PUFA (polyunsaturated fats) and MUFA (monounsaturated fats) and is rich in Vitamin E.

5. Actually, Rice bran oil contains beneficial compounds that contribute to its resistance to oxidation, as well as the health of consumers. However, concerns have surfaced in recent years related to the heavy metal substance of rice and rice‐derived products. Rice is recognized to take up arsenic at a higher rate than other grain crops.

6. If you do refrigerate Rice bran oil it may become semi-solid in the cold. Just let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes at room temperature and it will return to liquid form.

7. Fortune Rice bran oil is India’s highest selling rice bran oil. Refined Rice bran oil with the goodness of Gamma Oryzanol helps increase good cholesterol and reduces bad cholesterol.
Henan Huatai supply professional rice bran oil processing machine, rice bran oil extraction, rice bran oil refining process, our edible oil processing equipment sell well in the world, any need please email to info01@cnoilmachine.com

