
Palm kernel oil refining made by Henan Huatai

Palm kernel oil degumming section
Degumming with water to remove the easily hydratable phospholipids and metals.

Palm kernel oil deacidification section
Addition of a small amount of phosphoric or citric acid to convert the remaining non-hydralable phospholipids (Ca, Mg salts) into hydratable phospholipids.

Palm kernel oil neutralizing section
Neutralising of the free fatty acids with a slight excess of sodium hydroxide solution, followed by the washing out of soaps and hydrated phospholipids.

Palm kernel oil bleaching section
Bleaching with natural or acid-activated clay minerals to adsorb colouring components and to decompose hydroperoxides.

Palm kernel oil deodorising section
Deodorising to remove volatile components, mainly aldehydes and ketones, with low threshold values for detection by taste or smell. Deodorisation is essentially a steam distillation process carried out at low pressures (2-6 mbar) and elevated temperatures (180-220°C).
email: info01@cnoilmachine.com

