
Palm oil plant and palm kernel oil extraction process introduction

Palm oil plant and palm kernel oil extraction process introduction 
Weigh-in: Transportation fruit truck into the factory after first weighing, ease of processing and cost accounting settlement after.
 unloading fruit: FFB after a ramp sieved after removal of impurities into the transport machinery to kill the fermentation tank, the intermediate fermentation process from picking to kill time not too long
killing yeast: FFB killed after entering the fermentation tank is pressurized high-temperature cooking, various process after the stage of preparing to kill fermenter is our company's patented product, the quality of praise at home and abroad.
off the fruit: FFB is softened in the killing fermentation process, after beat off the fruit machine and screening to make palm fruit and empty fruit bunches separated.
 empty fruit bunches after delivery hoarding shipped orchards as fertilizer or as fuel to be used for other purposes.
 mashed: mashed fruit after threshing After stirring tank and squeeze broken.
 the press: the crushed fruit in a screw extrusion press through leaching
fiber separation is extruded into fiber cake after breaking through into the winnowing system, fibers and nuclear separation.
nucleolus nuclear separation after the separation of the fiber through the nuclear core into the crusher shell and kernel, and then after winnowing and water separation system kernel and the shell, the shell as fuel storage into the boiler fuel system.
crude oil via oil clarification after the press also contains some moisture and impurities into the tank through the sand and into the shaker after the initial clean-up after the tank was heated and stirred vertical Cheng separated into waste oil and edible vegetable oil,
Edible vegetable oil after drying, transporting crude oil to the tank. After the waste oil will have to grit removal system and after centrifugation in treatment and recovery.
palm kernel oil extraction of palm kernel oil extraction process include crushing, billets, steaming and roasting, crushing. Their production processes and equipment similar to the general stock.

