
High quality and efficiency oil solvent extraction machine

Henan Huatai machinery can produce three oil extractor machine: level rotation extractor, loop type extractor and towline extractor.
1.Level rotation extractor feature: Simple structure, reliable operation, low power consumption, high miscella concentration, good self-filtering effect of fixed material layer, less meal powder contained in the miscella, good extraction effect, etc.
2.Loop type extractor feature: There are twice material layer turning in the entire mobile extracting process, which is conducive to the uniformity of the material layer by the solvent and miscella;Extraction of lower material layer is good for material layer promptly permeating and draining by solvent and miscella, so the extraction time will be short, wet meal contain less solvent and low oil residual.
3.Towline extractor feature: It usually use big capacity circulating pump, with advantages of good permeation effect and low solvent rate in wet meal. It can make sure the residual oil in meal not more than 0.8% under the circumstance of smaller material-solvent ratio, improve the concentration of the miscella, remove the solvent content in the wet meal, and greatly reduce the solvent evaporation.

The oil solvent extraction plant is core equipment of method oil extract process, it influence directly every economic technology index of extraction process. Any oil solvent extraction machine need,please E-mail to mary@oilmachineworld.com.
Rice bran oil extraction machine:http://www.edibleoilmill.com/Rice_Bran_Oil_Extraction_Machine_186.html
soybean oil solvent extraction plant:http://www.edibleoilmill.com/Soybean_Oil_Solvent_Extraction_179.html

